MRI RF Power Amplifiers

Multi-Channel MRI Power Amplifiers

  • Designed for high field B1 shimming
  • Models available from 3T to 16T
  • Power levels up to 5 kW/channel
  • Switch matrices available


CPC's new line of mutli-channel broadband RFPAs are designed specifically for parallel transmit (B1 shimming) applications. These systems consist of multiple (2,4,8,16 etc.) channels of matched amplifiers that are ideal for creating uniform B1 fields. Power levels are available for pre clinical (500 W / channel) head (1 kW / channel) and whole body (5000 W / channel) applications.

CPC's multi-channel amplifiers can also be switch matrixed. That is, multiple channels can be combined into one or two outputs for greater power for conventional imaging applications.

Multi-Channel Amplifiers

Click model number for Data Sheet.

Model Number Max Field Bo(T) Number of Channels Frequency Range (MHZ) Standard Output Power (W)
3T1000M - 8C 3 8 10 - 130 1 kW
7T500M - 8C 7 8 40 - 305 500 W
7T1000M - 8C 7 8 40 - 305 1 kW
7T500M - 4C2C 7 4/2 40 - 305 500 W, 1 kW
7T1000M - 16C/2C/1C 7 16/2/1 40 - 305 1 kW, 7 kW, 12 kW
10.5T2000M - 16C 10.5 16 40 - 450 2 kW
16T500 - 4C 16 4 650 - 710 500 W


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